Wednesday 27 June 2012

How to be a zombie

Today we subjected ourselves to Roman mind control. The Roman mind controller places an arcane pendant around your neck and commands you to place a magical bulb in your ear, the root of which is attached to the pendant. That process turns you into a zombie-like slave, hearing her commands through the ear-bulb and responding as best as you can. Whatever the mind controller tells you to do, you do, even if it means walking for kilometers in the blazing sun, climbing steps of ancient ruins, or creeping into darkened tombs. Her compulsion over you is complete until she has completely worn you out. At that point she reclaims her implements of control and goes to seek out other victims. You are left in one of Rome's famous zombie dumping grounds, staring at a fountain, longing to plunge into its coolness, but having not the willpower left to do so.

During this grueling ordeal, I overcame the control long enough to snap some of the places on my camera (or was I commanded to do so? It seems like a blur now).
An amphitheatre where mind controllers parade their mind slaves
An amphitheatre where mind controllers parade their mind slaves

An epic mind controller of the past who controlled hundreds of thousands of mind slaves
An epic mind controller of the past who controlled hundreds of thousands of mind slaves

Our mind controller wasn't cruel. She allowed us to purchase and consume gelati here.
Our mind controller wasn't cruel. She allowed us to purchase and consume gelati here.

What's this? An alien mind control ray attempting to steal slaves?
What's this? An alien mind control ray attempting to steal slaves?

Should we seek the escape of alien enlightenment, or bear the yoke of our Roman controller?
Should we seek the escape of alien enlightenment, or bear the yoke of our Roman controller?

We, as empty husks, stare at the fountain, and stare...
We, as empty husks, stare at the fountain, and stare...

1 comment:

Unknown said...

If Dante had ever ridden a bus in Rome in Summer I think at least one of the circles of Hell would have been rewritten.We let the first go by as we thought you couldn't pack any more people in. When the second came around we were questioning this assumption and were more prepared to try. It can be done but I hope to never repeat the experience.