Saturday 11 August 2012


Okay, I'll shut up. I'm not one that has to keep talkin'. Some fellas just have to keep their mouths flappin', but not me! I was brought up right, my pa used to tell me "shut up" and I'd shut up! I wouldn't say nothin'! One time, darn-near starved to death ...
Wouldn't tell him I was hungry!
-- Foghorn Leghorn 
The stop at Livorno (traditionally called Leghorn) allowed lots of the cruise passengers to head to various locations: Florence, Pisa, winery trips, etc. We didn't want the long road/rail trips, so we decided to explore the port city of Livorno itself. We took a guided boat tour of the canals and saw some of the old Medici houses, and smelled some of the old fish market smells.

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