Thursday 5 November 2015

Yangtze Cruise (16th October 2015)

Cruising is relaxing, until you get off and go on a shore excursion that's described as a half-hour walk. Of course, that half-hour walk is the mostly-level walk to the start of the valley, and that's where the ups and downs start.

There were stone carvings along the way.
 Hi Tony!
Very stylish.

At various points along the stream in the valley there were performers depicting village life from some time in the past.


On the way back down the valley we spotted a black panther.
你好猫咪 -- pronounced "Nǐ hǎo māomī" *

In the afternoon we bussed up to the Three Gorges Dam for an overview of the system.
 The locks.

 Fountain at the observation point.

The dam.

Back on our cruise boat, we entered the first of 5 locks.

And in the evening the cruise crew put on a show.

* Hello Kitty

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