Thursday 16 August 2007

I blame the trolls

August 15th

"so go ahead and talk about your bad day...
i want all the details of the pain and misery"
-Amanda Palmer

This is what happens when a Yaris wheel hits a rough hole on the edge of a sealed highway.
Of course, it doesn't happen immediately. At first there is the thump of the shock absorber as the wheel hits the hard bitumen crust of the hole edge. At that stage, there's no indication that anything is wrong. Several kilometers further along the road, the car seems to be pulling a little to the right. It's time to stop and check why. One tries to get out of the car. The door is difficult to open. Pushing harder, the door opens, but the wind keeps blowing it shut. This is an Icelandic wind.

Aha! That's why the car keeps pulling to the right. It's a city-driving bubble car. It's being severely buffeted. No need to wander round the car and be sand-blasted. One drives on.

Several kilometers further, and now onto a gravel road with gut shaking corrugations, the pull to the right has worsened and a flapping noise has started. Time to inspect. The magnitude of the error in the previous paragraph becomes apparent.

Here, have some soothing happy images.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Ouch.. and yes the roads can be rather dodgy.

btw I'm really really enjoying seeing your photos. I recognize all the places you've been to so far.

Yay for horses! I assume you've managed to get the car somewhat sorted out since I know there's not free wifi in the middle of nowhere over there.