Tuesday 14 August 2007

Icelandic Immersion (tourist style)

August 13th

We arrived in Iceland at about 10am this morning. We wandered around enjoying the beautiful sunny weather.

Just near our hotel we could see the Sun Voyager.

We walked to the pond.

Up the hill to Hallgrims Church to see the view from the tower.

Inside the church there was an organ fitted with a phalanx style defense system.

And not far from the church was an Einar Jonsson sculpture garden. This one is called "sleep". I need some.

We finished off the day by saturating ourselves with Icelandic culture in the Idnó Theatre. We were treated to folk dancing, chanting of old Icelandic rhymes (with rap interludes), Glíma (Viking wrestling), and acted out folk tales. To top it off, we bought a tub of Skyr (with vanilla) and a can of Maltextrakt for supper.

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