Saturday 18 August 2007

Plains, mountains, waterfalls

August 16th

Þingvellir is where the Icelandic parliament was established in the year 930. That's so long ago that they don't know the exact location of the Law Rock where the Lawspeaker recited the law. It's Lyn's opinion that Australian taxation law would be a lot simpler if the tax commissioner had to recite it as its main mode of communication.

Hafnarfjall is a majestic heap of black stuff. It broods between two fjords just north of Reykjavík.

Hraunfossar flow out from under a lava field. This photo shows only some of the falls. They go on and on.

The best thing today was one we couldn't photograph. In Borgarnes there was a cultural centre with an exhibition of Egil's Saga. An audio guide provided the story and various scenes were depicted in wood carvings and models.

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