Tuesday 24 July 2007

Goodbye Scotland

July 22nd

Today we had a scrumptious lunch at the Grain Store in Edinburgh with Sigga and Margaret. Of course, that was just an excuse to get to meet the famous Nikita at Sigga's place. We were given an official inspection by Nikita and granted permission to remain in her presence.
I would have taken a picture, but I doubt I could have done her justice. (See the Nikita Set for photos of Nikita.)

We drove to Berwick on Tweed late in the afternoon and found a B&B. It's very picturesque here. Here's the Royal Border Railway Viaduct with a few rain clouds approaching. (They were polite enough to rain on Berwick and move along while we were in a restaurant, eating.)

Ground floor: Guild Hall (butter market at rear)
First floor: Jail (amenities and food were poor but the view was great)
Top floor: Lighthouse

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