Wednesday 4 July 2007

Spectacular Spectacular

On Monday morning we got up early to try to beat the queues for the Eiffel Tower. After seeing from the top of a bus on Sunday afternoon and wandering around photographing it on Sunday evening, we knew that the queues were pretty long. I think we got there by about 9:30am.

The queues were still long.

And the place was filled with foreign tourists. ;)

Our tower tour was bleak, blusterous, flurried with intermittent wetness, and (for Lyn) flirting with the edge of vertigo. The view from the top is stunning. However, I've reviewed my photographs of the episode and I think they'll have to wait for creative inspiration, or something...

Maybe I'll save them up for the next dullness drought.

Monday night: Moulin Rouge! Dazzling displays of dancing; fantastic frills and feathers; brilliant brazen burlesque; colorful coquettish costumes; racks of refracting rhinestones; parades of pink pertness... perhaps I'd better stop there. No photography allowed, of course.

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