Friday 6 July 2007

How to find a needle in a...

Today we tried to find a cross stitch needle in a city. Fortunately, google maps came to our rescue with the ability to search for businesses. I'm sure we missed a whole heap of possible suppliers due to language limitations in the search, but that didn't matter because we only needed one shop (three metro lines and two corners away).

From the craft shop we found our way to the Arc de Triomphe. Of course, my mind was navigating its way to the craft shop when we left, and the camera didn't call out "hey, wait for me" as we closed the door. We took a few snaps with Lyn's phone camera. They'll have to wait until we get back home to download from the phone. There were great views from the top of the Arc--worth every one of those 270-odd steps.

To round off a slack day, we strolled down the Champs-Elysées, window shopping. We decided that amount of disposable income must be inversely correlated with good taste.

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