Saturday 7 July 2007

Musée du Louvre

"The owl of Minerva spreads its wings only with the falling of the dusk"
-Hegel (1820)

"The owl of Minerva takes wing
Needing nothing that daylight can bring.
Wise eyes guide its flight
Through the wonder of night.
Sweet Minerva, don't ask it to sing."
-Philip (2007)

This marble lady had a veil. It looked like a translucent veil, but it was made of marble. I wanted to touch. I looked and looked. I didn't think you could do that with stone.

"Gold, Gold, Gold, Gold"
-first verse of a dwarven drinking song (as transcribed by Terry Pratchett)

Below I present further evidence (if any more were needed) that Napoleon was actually a dwarf. This is his dining room.

Our day at the Louvre went very smoothly. We got there early, bought tickets from a machine (after queuing for a minute), found our way to the Mona Lisa (no queues at all), and then took in as many other galleries as our feet would carry us to. There were only a couple that were crowded.

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