Friday 6 July 2007

It's good to be the king

Yesterday we bumbled around Montemartre, through cluttered little material shops, lingering at the knickknackery displayed for tourists like us, and eventually making our way up the hill to La Basilique du Sacré Coeur. We entered (or is that infringed upon) the basilica and tried not to make too much noise. They have continuous sacraments there--I think you'd describe it as "flock around the clock."

In the afternoon we tubed down to Jardin Du Luxembourg for a lovely time in the sun, then rain, then sun, then rain...

And today we visited the Château de Versailles. Here, have a chamber pot. (Well, it's a pot, and it was in a chamber. Just because it was taller tham me doesn't mean you couldn't make a decent attempt to use it.)

This picture gives you an idea of how much money and effort went into the palace. This was just one of many similarly decorated rooms. (It's good to be the king.)

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