Monday 30 July 2012

A Shady Character in Venice

I selected a book from the ship's library, having spied a Jasper Fforde book that I hadn't read - Shades of Grey. I placed it down on the library check out table and started filling in the check-out sheet. Name… cabin number… book id number…
"Ooh, you've got Shades of Grey," says a middle aged woman waiting to check out a book.
"Yes," says I, "we have a copy at home but I'd never got around to reading it."

I was a bit surprised to bump into another Jasper Fforde reader.

It was about 10 minutes later when it clicked that she most likely wasn't a Fforde fan. I suspect she thought I was about to read Fifty Shades of Grey.

If I see her or her friends pointing at me and smirking, I'll know for sure.

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