Tuesday 17 July 2012

Vienna: more than just skwerls

Due to a slip from a confusing tourist guide map we tried to visit the Freud museum and ended up at Schubert's home. As an exhibition of the life and times of Schubert, it was pretty pathetic - a few family photos, a few manuscripts, a few ear-infection sharing opportunities to hear modern recordings of his works.
Schubert's piano

We toured Schloss Schönbrunn, home of the happy Habsburgs. For all their wealth, I think we live longer happier lives.
A tasteful garden birdbath
Rumpus room

A depiction of pet dentistry

It would be cool to have your own marionette theatre

The Orangerie
We attended a concert in the Orangery in the evening and got ourselves well and truly Straussed.

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