Saturday 21 July 2012

Crouching Kotor...

We sailed in to a delightful fjord. Montenegro is an idyllic location.
See what we had to put up with outside the window for breakfast
The view from atop the city walls
We didn't walk all the walls. Some went up too far.

They promised dragons! Let me quote the ship's Things To See guide: "Drago Palace - Gothic style palace decorated with dragons." And they provided a map, devoid of details like streets, just an outline of the city walls and gates with some number spots to show the rough location of features. We set off, being vewwy, vewwy quwiet, because we were hunting dwagons.

After some wanderings around the area where this palace should be, and some further wanderings in more distant lanes and alleys, we decided to pause for lunch. I had a black mountain of cuttlefish risotto.
Blacker than my soul
So rested we by the wifi tree and sat a while in thought.

We asked the restauranteur. She didn't know where Drago Palace was. We asked a dealer of trinkets in a shop that included the name "Drago". She didn't know either. We asked in the museum, and got a better map, showing the exact location with all the buildings illustrated.

We found a building with no labels and all doors closed. We saw no dragons. And there were no cut-me-own-throat Dibblers selling dragon detectors.
Sad saint is sad
Saint Nick says "Shove off, tourists."

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