Wednesday 18 July 2012

Sunny Venice

If anyone tells you about Venice being smelly or damp, don't believe them. It's clean and bright. It's a wonderful city. The modern Venetians haven't a clue how to make footbridges fit for humans. They seem to think that half-height sloped steps with grip-less surfaces is a good idea. At least most of the older bridges were made by more practical Venetians. 

Even though Venice is very very flat, we still got our fair share of exercise here.

Cool streets

Outside St Mark's looking in

In St Mark's Square - paved in people - in some places tightly tessellated by tourists

Let's join a queue for the Doge's Palace

Look what's dancing on the ceiling

Peeping from the Bridge of Sighs

Time to check in to our little hotel room. Hardly room to swing a giraffe.

View to the cemetery island (on the Ghosts and Legends evening tour)

Venetian glass making on Murano

Murano was lovely - fewer tourists.

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