Monday 16 July 2012


Yay! Go little ducky!
After we'd wandered down the mile and a half of shops in Zurich (the expensive ones), and wandered into its churches and cathedrals, and sat in its squares, and cheered on its tiny ducklings as the last of 4 finally made it onto the step, we took a tour to the east of Lake Zurich, to Rapperswil.

Rapperswil is a historic town. It has a castle, monastery, churches, rose gardens, ancient ruins, etc. The last thing we expected to see was a street filled with LUST.

Give us an "L"...

My lust is like a red, red rose
Miyazaki was here?

Why am I thinking of Ankh-Morpork?
We tried to get to the restaurant at the monastery. We wanted to get a cappuccino from a Capuchin monastery. Seems like it wasn't open for the hours stated on the sign. Our ferry ride back to Zurich was proof that the Swiss don't always run on time. The ferry left 10 minutes late and got to Zurich over 30 minutes late.
Leaving lusty Rapperswil for Zurich

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