Friday 6 July 2012

Or is it just a game in my mind, Cortona?

Relaxation day. The girls had all headed off to a hens' do for the day. Dad decided to rest. Brother-in-law Mark and I set out to eat till replete, and then meet and defeat the streets of Cortona.

Pizza in the Piazza
 Cortona has views - vast views.

Check out all the majesty

Cortona has steep streets and narrow streets and steep narrow streets.
Do not adjust your aspect ratio. This is how it is.
 Over one side of the walled city, there's an enormous cathedral.

In one of the cathedrals.
On the other side of the walled city there's an enormous cathedral.

Toto, I've a feeling we're not in Kansas any more.
And outside of the walled city, just down the hill, there's...

And one more leading nowhere just for show
The apartments we're staying in are old. Crazy-old. Even their histories have got histories. Mark loves this door:

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