Monday 2 July 2012

Moon Over Amalfi

The Mediterranean air is not always clear. There's a lot of vapour over its warm waters creating a haze that often makes the horizon indistinct. Tonight it was clear and the moon was extremely close to full - just right for an after dinner walk.

Lyn and I paddled in the shallows on the public beach. Lovely warm water but the gritty pebbly sand was painful for our soft soles. (It's unfair to compare these foreign beaches with Oz, where we have the best beaches in the world.)

I forgot to mention in the previous post that we saw a pair of dolphins beside the boat on the way back form the grotto. They only surfaced twice, and then were gone.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Amalfi has been one of the most beautiful places I have been. Last day (and night) coming up. I plan to come back one day.